Friday, January 26, 2024



Imagine you spin a wheel

And end up anywhere,

Anytime, any occasion,

In the span of your own life.


You might be an infant

Parsing a blurry world,

Or an old man, old woman,

Watching a hospital curtain fade.


More likely, you’re somewhere in the middle,

On some undistinguished day,

Fretting about something minor

Or perhaps not minor at all.


Flies buzz, and birds are busy;

People wander through the sunlight.

Indoors, the coffee is cooling

And the radiator is shuddering to life.


You have landed here -

Now, in this moment.

It could have been better,

But it could certainly be worse.


There is nothing you need to do;

Everything is already written.

You have only to savor the sunshine,

Or whatever it is,

For as long as it lasts.

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