Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Invincibles

Plundered, conquered, colonized,
Their language outlawed, culture flayed;
Their own land rented back to them
At back-and-spirit-breaking rates;
Made to endure war, hunger, Protestants;
Driven into the rocky West;
Failed by the one crop they needed;
Scattered to the four winds,
The Irish have persisted – even smiled –
As if acknowledging a handsome joke 
They can't believe you haven't twigged to yet.

Nor have they only smiled. Listen, now.
If you hear fiddle music on the wind,
As mournful as a wolf, or merry as May,
The odds are good you have some Irishman,
Long dead or gaily living on, to thank.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Irish and the Sea

God, how the sea pounds in upon the West!
It comes in roaring, like a beast unchained,
To bash itself to pieces on the rocks,
Again, again, again, and then again.

The whole Atlantic in its fury breaks
Its teeth against the battlements of Clare
And wears deep gouges in her fabled cliffs,
As if it meant to dig the island up
And carry her across to Germany,
Or Poland, or the marches of the East,
Depositing the Irish in some strange,
Undreamed-of land, where they, no doubt, would shrug,
And go about their business, as they do.

It takes more than an elemental god
To shake the Celtic temper; after all,
They’ve had the ocean pounding on their door
For more than six millennia, and they
Still haven’t stirred from field and fireside
To let the poor damn soggy bastard in.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Blessing After Rain

When the sun comes out on Ireland,
It's God's own Grace at play;
When the sun comes out on Ireland,
All weariness melts away;

There's twittering in the boughs then,
And fragrance on the breeze,
And glistening in the hedges,
And music among the trees;

You may even see a rainbow 
As the old rain scatters light;
You may hear a fairy singing;
You may see a dream take flight.

Be wise, and seize the moment,
And join in the general song;
When the sun comes out on Ireland,
It's never for very long.

Lament for Old Things

The beautiful old buildings 
Are only for the cows –
And maybe the occasional ghost 
Who howls at the broken walls.

The living Irish make their homes 
In blank tan boxes, without history –
A bit like the faces of Irish girls,
So makeup-caked they all but disappear.

Prosperity has its dangers. This is one:
That you might lose that rugged detailing
That makes a house a house, a face a face.

Of course, it's not my business.
I'm a tourist here.
The houses weren't put there to please my eye,
And neither were the faces. Even so,
I see how wild the tameless landscape is,
And then how bland the village, and I sigh,
Lamenting a sad beauty that was never mine.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Plastic Horses

Some people, you drop a word in them like a coin,
And they whir into life like a plastic horse,
Surging and tinkling, bright with festive joy.

Other people are collection boxes.
No matter how many coins you cram in there,
You never get a song out of them,
Or anything but a begrudging clank.

You never know which is which, of course,
Until your coin is already spent.
You have to be resigned to lose a few
Or even a few thousand, in the hope
That it will all be worth it when the horse 
Springs into motion; and, of course, it will.

Yeats's Grave

He lies where he determined to,
Rescued from the hospitable French 
Who would have gladly kept his bones –
Those long white poet's bones of his –
And claimed him, as their wine-warm shores
Have claimed so many Irish men.

This one came home, though –
To the home of his child's heart,
Where fairies whispered from the mountaintop
And came by night to kindle him in dreams.

This one came home, to say a few last words,
In the form of a carving on a plain stone.
"Horseman," says the stone, "pass by,"
And speaks of the virtue of a cold eye –
But what stone-graven heart could be 
Cold in the grip of the reverie
That comes when facing a hero's tomb?
And what fool horse would dare presume 
To pass this dear and sainted place
With no pause of thanks to the human race?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Named World

Every place has a name here.
They have names for the places between places
And the places between those.
When you've been on the same small island
For six thousand years or whatever,
You get around to naming almost everything
Like an overachieving Adam.

Thus, every hill and stream and mossy pond
Carries the ancestral burden of a name,
And some dark memory to go with it,
However faded by the feckless years.

There's something pagan about all of this
(Since having a name is like having a soul),
But that need not surprise us; after all,
This is the land where Patrick - wily man! -
Instead of screaming "All your gods are lies!"
Said "All your gods are my god, and this place
That you call holy, I hold holy too."

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


They have it all in Connemara –
Bogs and ocean and stacks of turf;
The wind sweeping over the headland;
The howl of the ancient surf.

They've got the best in Connemara:
The best of the ruined barns,
The best of the pitted landscape
And the bone-chilling fireside yarns.

They live a dream in Connemara –
A dream that holds them in thrall.
What they don't have in Connemara
Is not worth having at all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

At Joe Watty's

The ticket-taker from the ferry
Bellied up to the rail of the stage
And sang, without preamble,
Songs of yearning and the sea.

His beard bristled; he was very still.
The whole bar went quiet to hear him
Except for one loud mother
Who didn't catch the hint.

But he sang on, the old sailor,
Stoic and debonair,
While behind him the official entertainment
Smiled like the face of God.

Scratch an Irishman and he'll bleed music –
Ancient and sad, and full of much-tilled earth,
Or full of the rolling of the unsatisfied sea
Which tosses the lonely ferry like a child's toy.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Fairy Song

The fairies are good
The fairies are kind
The fairies are friends
To all mankind

The fairies are great
The fairies are grand
Theirs is the power
Theirs is the land

I love the fairies
I truly do
The fairies love me
The fairies love you

The fairies are keeping me
Safe from pain
The fairies are driving me

Sunday, November 12, 2017


A million miles of stone walls
Ramble and streak from hill to hill;
Wherever sun or shadow falls
They rise, obedient and still.

The country is a honeycomb,
With cells of stone and sheep for bees;
The walls look down on seething foam,
On ragged bog and prospering trees.

The men who built them long are gone;
Their work is done, their time is fled;
They rest, unseeing of the dawn,
Numbered with the unnumbered dead.

Wherever stone is piled on stone,
There stands a nameless monument
To nameless men who toiled alone;
And God alone knows where they went.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Old-Timer’s Lament

O, they pass away, the old ways;
O, the old ways pass away.
I remember the first rock
That was tied to a shaven stick.
That was the end of handfighting;
All the handfighters were brained
By stick-tied rocks with no regard
For training, strength, or skill;
O, they pass away, the old ways,
O, the old ways pass away.

After that the rock-men ruled
Till someone invented bronze,
And bronze was light, and hunger-sharp,
And cut the stone men down.
Bronze was it for a while, till iron came along;
Then some fool invented writing,
And all the stories died.

I remember we used to gather
Breathless around a fire
And listen to the tale-teller
Give us our ancestors' lives.
Now everyone reads a different book,
Men's voices are gone faint,
And no one remembers anything;
Our thoughts are paper-slaves.
O, they pass away, the old ways,
O, the old ways pass away.

After that, things happened quickly:
Great knights and greater navies,
And the conquest of the world.
The spoils went to the merchants,
Who never raised a sword,
And merchants made the black machines
That swallowed honest work.
Now machines do even the thinking,
While men stand idle by,
Gone pale and going paler,
Too entertained to care.
When the stone was tied to the handle,
It was all over that day;
O, they pass away, the old ways;
O, the old ways pass away.

Hag's Head

The hag looks over the ocean,
Her face a graft of stone;
The hag looks over the ocean,
Intransigent, alone.

The hag looks over the ocean 
For a glimpse of brighter days.
The hag looks over the ocean 
Into a sunset blaze;

The hag looks over the ocean 
When mist has claimed the world;
The hag looks over the ocean 
When star-maps lie unfurled;

The hag looks over the ocean
For a thousand thousand years;
The sea replies with motion,
And the hag replies with tears.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Last Word on Poetry

A poem is a game you play with words.
But words, of course, have meaning,
So a poem is also 
A game you play with meaning.

Coole Park

Coole Park is a melancholy place,
Especially in the autumn, in the gloaming.
Shaw took tea there, and Yeats ran wild,
Prophesying like an apostate lion, until
He also took his tea.

In this place the stories of a nation, 
Culled from every corner, squabbled and flew,
While under the large brows of large, big-minded men,
Thoughts hunted each other through houses
Like a thousand cats and rats.

It's all gone now. Lady Gregory died,
And the house was torn down
For no particular reason.
Even the ghosts have abandoned it –
For the most part, anyway.

There's still a tree on the grounds there
Where geniuses hacked out their names,
And it's a melancholy place in the twilight,
And maybe that's tribute enough.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Jack Carney, Sheep Farmer

The minute the lamb drops,
There you are on your four-wheeler;
You've got to scoop it up
Before the foxes come.

Them foxes are bastards.
They'll kill as soon as they'll blink.
And you can't even fuckin' shoot em;
They're protected now.

There's a fella comes up from Dingle –
At night, you know, on the quiet –
With a rifle and a big spotlight
And he pumps off a few.

Without that, there'd be no sheep farms.
The government don't give a shit.
We're up all night through March and April –
Me, the brother, and me two boys –
Out in the dark with our four-wheelers,
Keeping the lambs from Mister Fox,

And we can't even shoot the fuckers.
How's that for a policy?

Irish Winter

The trees are bare, but cloaked with ivy,
And ivy is green - as green as God.
Ireland is a moss, a vine, a weed,
Forever bent on swallowing herself.

She creeps up over centuries; when cropped,
She sulks a little, and she creeps again.
Look closely at those hedges; are they not
Stone walls made hedgelike by a verdant fist?

Violently fertile, this country blooms
Even in winter, when blooms are cold.
Her vines are as tight as the wool on the loom,
And even her weeds are lovely and old.

Saturday, November 4, 2017


This is the end of the world.
Even Rome and Caesar stopped 
Short of our emerald shoulder -
Prudently turned and fled.

This is the Land of Winter;
Summer's a trick we play,
Pulling you gently onward
Until it's far too late.

Time has not wholly tamed us,
Or blunted our ancient edge.
Plunder us at your peril;
Come on, if you crave to die.

And here is a lonely pathway,
Where gods are known to tread.
Nod their way politely;
Don't look them in the eye.