Saturday, March 18, 2017

What We Could Try

We could try beauty. 
It’s worth a shot.
Outrage and rancor have had their go,
And left us no wiser, no better, no more complete;
Rage and opinion and preened-on piety
Have come, and stayed, and had their way with the furniture,
And not much helped us to see clearly,
Act boldly, love truly, and revel in our brief, brief time.

It’s so exhausting to be right.
Let’s stop.
Let’s all be wrong, and see how it looks on us.
Let’s finally confess how little we understand,
And then get drunk and listen to music,
And make love under apple trees,
Or just sit quietly, watching a beam of light
Toy with the motes of dust that give it shape.

Let’s just try beauty, and see what it comes to,
And if it doesn’t work, it will still be beautiful,
And we can always pretend that’s enough.

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