Friday, July 24, 2020

The One Thing There Is

There is only the path –
A breath, and a step forward.
There is only the road,
Spooled out beneath high sky –
The smoke of the fire in the camp at night,
Dawn rising, a shouldering of packs,
And on.

The Leap

When a deer jumps, it jumps in slow motion,
Hung up in the air too long for gravity –
Who, as we know, is jealous of his claims –
Not to resent this flouting of his rules.

For a heartbeat, it’s a mere deer ornament,
Adorning whatever unfelled Christmas tree
You’re seeing in the background; there are more
To choose from than your house could ever need.

Then front legs fall, and rear legs follow,
The landing just a heavy afterthought,
And once again the deer is prey to all
The shocks and predators a meek soul fears;

But in your memory she’ll always be
Extended, leaping, among frozen boughs –
The one thing that will never need to fall,
To die, to change, or even touch the ground.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Flag-Waving Poem

Of all nations maybe the most human,
A sprawling, shambling, striving, failing mess,
Lit up with inspiration, with ambition,
With high ideals and barefaced hungers both,

She stands atop Olympus, lofty, lonely,
With her Olympian lust, Olympian pride,
Her all-too-mortal faults, immortal story –
A shining light to others, to herself.

In letting power fall to common men,
She blazed a trail that often blazed again;
In business, innovation, art, she curled
A sturdy arm about the willing world;

And if her finest hour was in war,
Her greatest strength is what she fought it for:
The love of freedom, enterprise, and blind,
Unlooked-for progress following behind.

Let those who like debating things debate
If she is, was, or ever will be great.
She knows they never ask that question of
A country they don’t envy, fear, or love.