Friday, January 24, 2020


Everybody’s very happy.
Everybody’s having a ball.
Everybody’s climbing Kilimanjaro,
Going to Spain in the spring and fall;

Everybody’s getting married
To the most wonderful women and men;
Everybody’s having beautiful babies
And seeing the wonder of childhood again;

Everybody’s feeling inspired,
Loving the journey and conquering fear;
Everybody’s living the life they imagined;
They’re blessed and they’re blissful; they wish you were here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Terry Jones

I am, and always will be, one of those horrible people who insist on quoting Monty Python sketches.

Terry Jones was EASILY one of the top five members of the greatest comedy troupe of all time. He also directed two of the best film comedies the world has ever seen.

Thank you for living, Terry Jones. I hope they serve spam in heaven. You've earned it.

Sunday, January 5, 2020


I will buckle more swash;
I will derring do;
I will plunder more diamonds,
And sail more seas;

The devil may care,
But I will not;
I will brook no guff;
I will drink to the lees.

I will rip more bodices,
Dig more graves,
Duel more duels
In the rising sun;

I will live like a demon
And laugh like the damned,
And sleep like the just
When the day is done.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Overheard at the Mountainside Cafe

OLD MAN #1: He was not a nice man.
OLD MAN #2: Who?
OLD MAN #1: Lord Byron.
OLD MAN #3: He was fun, though.
OLD MAN #1: He was very mean to women. But luckily, he drowned.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Clean slates are for dirtying again;
White canvases are to ruin with paint,
New years for new disasters, new mistakes,
Old dreams, new courage, and the pain of hope.